Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 26728
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 26728
By people
- 2659 Department of Civil and Environme...
- 1671 Department of Applied Physics
- 1603 Department of Mechanical Engineering
- 1594 Department of Applied Biology and...
- 1457 Department of Building and Real E...
- 1410 Department of Industrial and Syst...
- 1357 Department of Applied Social Scie...
- 1304 Department of Rehabilitation Scie...
- 1294 School of Nursing
- 1166 Department of Land Surveying and ...
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By structure
- 6096 Faculty of Engineering
- 5830 Faculty of Construction and Envir...
- 4362 Faculty of Health and Social Scie...
- 4185 Faculty of Science
- 2362 Department of Civil and Environme...
- 1688 Department of Electrical and Elec...
- 1518 Department of Applied Physics
- 1391 Department of Building and Real E...
- 1361 Faculty of Business
- 1320 Department of Applied Biology and...
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