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Title: A quasi-Newton subspace trust region algorithm for nonmonotone variational inequalities in adversarial learning over box constraints
Authors: Qiu, Z 
Jiang, J
Chen, X 
Issue Date: Nov-2024
Source: Journal of scientific computing, Nov. 2024, v. 101, no. 2, 45
Abstract: The first-order optimality condition of convexly constrained nonconvex nonconcave min-max optimization problems with box constraints formulates a nonmonotone variational inequality (VI), which is equivalent to a system of nonsmooth equations. In this paper, we propose a quasi-Newton subspace trust region (QNSTR) algorithm for the least squares problems defined by the smoothing approximation of nonsmooth equations. Based on the structure of the nonmonotone VI, we use an adaptive quasi-Newton formula to approximate the Hessian matrix and solve a low-dimensional strongly convex quadratic program with ellipse constraints in a subspace at each step of the QNSTR algorithm efficiently. We prove the global convergence of the QNSTR algorithm to an e-first-order stationary point of the min-max optimization problem. Moreover, we present numerical results based on the QNSTR algorithm with different subspaces for a mixed generative adversarial networks in eye image segmentation using real data to show the efficiency and effectiveness of the QNSTR algorithm for solving large-scale min-max optimization problems.
Keywords: Generative adversarial networks
Least squares problem
Min-max optimization
Nonmonotone variational inequality
Quasi-Newton method
Publisher: Springer New York LLC
Journal: Journal of scientific computing 
ISSN: 0885-7474
EISSN: 1573-7691
DOI: 10.1007/s10915-024-02679-y
Rights: © The Author(s) 2024
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The following publication Qiu, Z., Jiang, J. & Chen, X. A Quasi-Newton Subspace Trust Region Algorithm for Nonmonotone Variational Inequalities in Adversarial Learning over Box Constraints. J Sci Comput 101, 45 (2024) is available at
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