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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 3010
May-2011Sound fields inside street canyons with inclined flanking building façadesTang, SK ; Piippo, KE 
May-2015Azimuth-elevation direction finding, using one four-component acoustic vector-sensor spread spatially along a straight lineSong, Y; Wong, KT 
May-2016Azimuth-elevation direction finding using one four-component acoustic vector-sensor spread spatially as a parallelogram arraySong, Y; Wong, KT 
1-Oct-2008Long period fiber grating fabricated by defocused CO₂ laser for refractive index sensingYang, M ; Wang, DN ; Li, Y 
21-May-2010CFD simulation of spread risks of infectious disease due to interactive wind and ventilation airflows via window openings in high‐rise buildingsNiu, JL ; Gao, NP
2025Not every metric is equal : cognitive models for predicting N400 and P600 components during reading comprehensionSalicchi, L ; Hsu, YY 
2024TrafficMOT : a challenging dataset for multi-object tracking in complex traffic scenariosLiu, L; Cheng, Y; Deng, Z; Wang, S ; Chen, D; Hu, X; Liò, P; Schönlieb, CB; Aviles-Rivero, A
2024Log probabilities are a reliable estimate of semantic plausibility in base and instruction-tuned language modelsKauf, C; Chersoni, E ; Lenci, A; Fedorenko, E; Ivanova, AA
2023Integrated thermal energy storage in graphene-based composite evaporator for high-efficiency water generationChan, KY ; Zhao, X ; Dong, X ; Liu, L ; Shen, X 
2023Graphene oxide/polyvinyl alcohol composite hydrogels with radial structure for solar steam generationZhao, X ; Chan, KY ; Dong, X ; Liu, L ; Shen, X 
2023Anisotropic composite aerogels for solar vapor generationShen, X 
2023Anisotropic nanocomposites for multifunctional thermal managementShen, X ; Zhang, H; Chan, KY 
2023Continuous freeze-casting for thermally insulating anisotropic aerogelsChan, KY ; Shen, X 
2020Finding the found : a reflective approach to experimental photographyMiller, M 
2024Feasibility, safety, and effects of a step training program in community-dwelling older adults with dementia : a feasibility wait-list controlled trialChan, W ; Cheung, D 
2024Preserving location privacy with semantic-aware indistinguishabilityJin, F ; Ruan, B; Hua, W ; Li, L; Zhou, X
2024Effects of sensorimotor-integrated (SMI) wrist/hand rehabilitation assisted by a hybrid soft robot poststrokeLin, L ; Kuet, MT ; Qing, W ; Zhao, H ; Ye, F ; Huang, Y ; Hu, X 
2024A carbon-aware routing protocol for optimizing carbon emissions in modular construction logisticsNg, CL; Wu, H ; Li, M ; Zhong, RY; Qu, X; Huang, GQ 
2024Efficient online learning for networks of two-compartment spiking neuronsYin, Y ; Chen, X ; Ma, C ; Wu, J ; Tan, KC 
2024Influence of adaptive controlling strategies of floating offshore wind turbine on corrosion fatigue deterioration of supporting towersHeng, J; Zhang, J ; Dong, Y ; Kaewunruen, S; Baniotopoulos, C
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 3010