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Title: Contrastive analysis of volatile oil from Serissa serissoides in different seasons
Other Title: 不同季节山地六月雪挥发油成分比较研究
Authors: Ni, SF
Fu, CX
Pan, YJ
Lu, YB
Wu, P
Chan, YSG 
Issue Date: 2004
Source: 中国中药杂志 (China journal of Chinese materia medica), Jan. 2004, v. 28, no. 1, p. 54-58
Abstract: 目的: 分析不同季节山地六月雪挥发油成分 ,为其合理采收提供实验依据
方法: 水蒸气蒸馏法提取山地六月雪地上部分挥发油。用气相色谱 质谱法对化学成分进行分离鉴定 ,并用面积归一化计算各成分相对含量。
结果: 从深秋季节的山地六月雪鉴定出 43个组分 ,占挥发油总量的 78.91% ;含量在 3 %以上的组分有甲基亚麻酸酯 (4.14 % ) ;库贝醇 (5.97% ) ;1b ,5,5,6a tetramethyl octahydro 1 oxa cyclopropa[a]inden 6 one (7.3 2 % ) ;2 甲氧 4 乙烯基苯酚 (10 .87% ) ;δ 9(10 ) 四氢广木香内酯 1 酮 (3 5.51% ) ;夏季的山地六月雪鉴定出 72个组分 ,占挥发油总量的 79.88% ;含量在 3 %以上的组分有石竹烯 (3 .3 2 % ) ;乙苯 (3 .52 % ) ;3 己烯 1 醇 (4.54% ) ;2 甲氧 4 乙烯基苯酚 (6.52 % ) ;5 丙酰基 2 氯 苯乙酸甲酯 (8.54% ) ;大根香叶酮D(12 .3 1% )。
结论: 2 ,2 二甲基 6 亚甲基 环己烷基丙醇、2 甲氧基 4 乙烯基苯酚、3 ,7 二甲基 1,6 辛二炔 3 醇、库贝醇、二十二烷、二十碳烷等相同成分可以作为该植物的指纹性成分 ;不同季节采集的生药材 ,其挥发性物质含量和成分有一定的差别。
Objective: To provide the foundation for r ea sonable utilization by analysing the essential oils from Serissa serissoides in different seasons.
Method: Essential oils were obtained by steam distillation. The chemical components were separated and iden tified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometer(GC-MS). The relative content of each component was determined by area nomalization.
Result: Forty-three peaks were identified from autumn material, representing 78.91% of the total oil. Main constituents of the essential oil from the autumn materia l were found to be 1b,5,5,6a-tetramethyl-octahydro-1-oxa-cyclopropaaind en-6-one (7.32%); methyl linolenate (4.14%); cubenol (5.97%); 2-methoxy-4-v inylphenol (10.87%); δ-9(10)-tetrahydrocostunolide-1-keto (35.51%). Seventy -two peaks were identified from spring material, representing 79.88% of the tot aloil. Main constituents of the essential oil from the spring material were foun d to be caryophyllene(3.315%); ethylbenzene(3.523%); 3-hexen-1-ol(4.537% ); 2-methoxy-4-vinylphenol(6.513%); 5-propionyl-2-chloro-benzeneacetic acid, methyl ester(8.541%), germacrene D(12.311%).
Conclusion: The same compounds in both materials are as follows: 2,2-dimethyl-6 -methylene-cyclohexanepropanol; 2-methoxy-4-vinylphenol; 3,7-dimethyl-1,6 -octadien-3-ol;cubenol;docosane and eicosane. It seems that they are the di agnostic components in these medicinal materials. Essential substances are diffe rent in quantity and quality in different seasons.
Keywords: Serissa serissoides
Essential oil
Seasonal variation
Publisher: 中國醫學會
Journal: 中国中药杂志 (China journal of Chinese materia medica) 
ISSN: 1001-5302
Rights: © 2004 中国学术期刊电子杂志出版社。本内容的使用仅限于教育、科研之目的。
© 2004 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. It is to be used strictly for educational and research purposes.
Appears in Collections:Journal/Magazine Article

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