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Title: Digital natives : discourses of exclusion in an inclusive society
Authors: Herold, DK 
Issue Date: Sep-2012
Source: In E Loos, L Haddon & E Mante-Meijer (Eds.), Generational use of new media, p. 71-87. Farnham: Ashgate, 2012
Abstract: Today’s young people have been labelled "Digital Natives" and presented as being more aware of the world, more connected to others, more in tune with the flood of available information on the internet, etc. However, based on the observation of university students taking part in undergraduate courses with eLearning components, this paper will argue, that the perception of young people as competent users of digital environments is not correct. The majority of students are not very sophisticated or knowledgeable in their use of information technologies, and show very little intention of learning anything but the most basic skills.
The paper will then question the view that the internet is creating a more inclusive society by pointing out that most ICT users today have been shown to be less than proficient in their use of available technological tools. Both 'young' and 'old' people have been shown to lack many of the most basic skills deemed necessary for the full utilisation of the possibilities the internet offers. The paper concludes by arguing for a revision of the concept of the 'inclusive society' which currently excludes more people than it includes.
Keywords: Digital natives
Inclusive society
Hidden incompetencies
Technological exclusion
Publisher: Ashgate
ISBN: 978-1-4094-2657-8
Rights: Used by permission of the Publishers from ‘Digital natives: discourses of exclusion in an inclusive society’, in Generational Use of New Media eds. Eugène Loos, Leslie Haddon, and Enid Mante-Meijer (Farnham: Ashgate, 2012), pp. 71–87.
Copyright © 2012
This work is available at:
Appears in Collections:Book Chapter

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