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Title: Study of the one-dimensional consolidation and creep of clays with different thicknesses using different hypotheses and three elastic visco-plastic models
Authors: Chen, ZJ 
Li, PL 
Wu, PC 
Yin, JH 
Song, DB 
Issue Date: Nov-2024
Source: Acta geotechnica, Nov. 2024, v. 19, no. 11, p. 7329-7347
Abstract: The one-dimensional consolidation analysis of clays considering creep compression is a classical issue in soil mechanics and geotechnical design. The major debate lies in how to predict the consolidation settlement for a thick layer in the field using parameters obtained from a thin specimen from the laboratory. Different hypotheses have been advocated, based on which various methods and constitutive models have been developed. However, there are still some questions unaddressed and concepts inconsistently used, which may mislead engineers in the selection of methods/models and may result in settlements underestimated on a risk design side. In this paper, a state-of-the-art review and a thorough comparison study are performed on the existing methods and models for the consolidation analysis of clays exhibiting creep, from theoretical derivations to numerical simulations in comparison with soil test data. An in-depth discussion is carried out on several key issues related to the thickness effects on the time-dependent compression behaviour of clays. The arguments of Hypothesis A and Hypothesis B are revisited based on the current development of constitutive theories. Three existing elastic visco-plastic (EVP) models that consider the creep compression implicitly during the whole consolidation process can perform well in predicting the settlement of clay layers with different thicknesses, and are in line with Hypothesis B. It is concluded that using existing EVP models based on porous-media continuum mechanics is a rigorous scientific method (also called “rigorous” Hypothesis B method), which is superior to the old Hypothesis A method which has logic errors and may result in unsafe underestimation of settlements.
Keywords: Clay
Elastic visco-plastic models
Hypotheses A and B
Publisher: Springer
Journal: Acta geotechnica 
ISSN: 1861-1125
EISSN: 1861-1133
DOI: 10.1007/s11440-024-02405-w
Rights: © The Author(s) 2024
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The following publication Chen, Zj., Li, Pl., Wu, Pc. et al. Study of the one-dimensional consolidation and creep of clays with different thicknesses using different hypotheses and three elastic visco-plastic models. Acta Geotech. 19, 7329–7347 (2024) is available at
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