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Title: Simultaneously enhancing adsorbed hydrogen and dinitrogen to enable efficient electrochemical NH₃ synthesis on Sm(OH)₃
Authors: Lv, Z
Li, Z
Liu, H
Li, W
Wu, TS
Hong, S
Ruan, Y
Soo, YL
Hao, L
Xu, L
Robertson, AW
Xiong, P 
Li, MMJ 
Ding, LX
Sun, Z
Issue Date: Nov-2023
Source: Small structures, Nov. 2023, v. 4, no. 11, 2300158
Abstract: The electrochemical N2 reduction reaction (ENRR), driven by renewable electricity and run under ambient conditions, offers a promising sustainable avenue for carbon-neutral NH3 production. Yet, to efficiently bind and activate the inert N2 remains challenge. Herein, effective and stable electrochemical NH3 synthesis on Sm(OH)3 via enhanced adsorption of hydrogen and dinitrogen by dual integration of sulfur dopants and oxygen vacancies (VO) is reported. The resulting S-doped lanthanide electrocatalyst attains both a good NH3 yield rate, exceeding 21 μgNH3 h−1 mgcat.−1, and an NH3 faradaic efficiency of over 29% at −0.3 V (vs reversible hydrogen electrode) in an H-type cell using a neutral electrolyte, figures of merit that are largely maintained after 2 days of consecutive polarization. Density functional theory calculations show that the adsorption energy barrier of N2 on S-Sm(OH)3(VO) is greatly lowered by the introduction of VO. In addition, the S sites improve the adsorption of hydrogen produced via the Volmer reaction, which is conducive to the formation of the *N–NH intermediate (i.e., the potential determining step, PDS) on adjacent Sm sites, and thereby significantly promotes the reaction kinetics of ENRR. The PDS free energy for the catalyst is comparable with the values at the peak of the ENRR volcano plots of leading transition metal catalyst surfaces.
Keywords: Doping
N2 reduction
Oxygen vacancies
Publisher: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA
Journal: Small structures 
EISSN: 2688-4062
DOI: 10.1002/sstr.202300158
Rights: © 2023 The Authors. Small Structures published by Wiley-VCH GmbH. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The following publication Lv, Z., Li, Z., Liu, H., Li, W., Wu, T., Hong, S., Ruan, Y., Soo, Y., Hao, L., Xu, L., Robertson, A.W., Xiong, P., Li, M.M., Ding, L. and Sun, Z. (2023), Simultaneously Enhancing Adsorbed Hydrogen and Dinitrogen to Enable Efficient Electrochemical NH3 Synthesis on Sm(OH)3. Small Struct., 4: 2300158 is available at
Appears in Collections:Journal/Magazine Article

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