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Title: A controlled study on the antibacterial efficacy and long-term efficacy of JUC in hand disinfection
Authors: Yuen, JWM 
Lam, CTC 
Issue Date: 2022
Source: SSRN, 2022,
Abstract: Background: Hand hygiene is an important way to prevent infection and transmission of many microorganisms. However, the current alcohol-based hand disinfection products have certain limitations, and the compliance of medical staff with hand hygiene is poor. JUC is a nano-scale long-acting antibacterial dressing, which is composed of 2% silicone double long chain double quaternary ammonium salt and 98% water, and is widely used as an antibacterial agent. Therefore, in order to find a potential alternative, this article investigated the efficacy and persistence of JUC in hand disinfection through a controlled study.
Methods: Experiments designed according to European standard EN1500:1997. Comply with the detection methods and requirements, and use 60% propan-2-ol solution as the control. A total of 15 healthy volunteers were recruited to evaluate the efficacy of JUC, and 8 were tested for antimicrobial persistence. The test strain was E. coli K12 NCTC strain 10538.
Results: First, JUC had a similar antibacterial effect compared to 60% propan-2-ol, both reducing bacterial load by approximately 4 log10. Second, there was no significant difference in the antibacterial effect of hand rubbing and hand spraying with JUC. Third, volunteers' hand bacterial counts were still reduced by 2-3 log10 at 8 hours after a single application of JUC compared to untreated volunteers.
Conclusions: JUC can effectively exert the antibacterial effect of hands, and has a long-term antibacterial protection effect of at least 8 hours.
Keywords: JUC
Oorganosilicon double-long-chain diquaternary quaternary ammonium
Hand hygiene
Nano-antibacterial particl
DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.4088747
Rights: Posted with permission of the author.
Appears in Collections:Other

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