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Title: A 30 m annual cropland dataset of China from 1986 to 2021
Authors: Tu, Y
Wu, S
Chen, B
Weng, Q 
Bai, Y
Yang, J
Yu, L
Xu, B
Issue Date: 2024
Source: Earth system science data, 2024, v. 16, no. 5, p. 2297-2316
Abstract: Accurate, detailed, and up-to-date information on cropland extent is crucial for provisioning food security and environmental sustainability. However, because of the complexity of agricultural landscapes and lack of sufficient training samples, it remains challenging to monitor cropland dynamics at high spatial and temporal resolutions across large geographical extents, especially for regions where agricultural land use is changing dramatically. Here we developed a cost-effective annual cropland mapping framework that integrated time-series Landsat satellite imagery, automated training sample generation, as well as machine learning and change detection techniques. We implemented the proposed scheme to a cloud computing platform of Google Earth Engine and generated a novel dataset of China's annual cropland at a 30 m spatial resolution (namely CACD). Results demonstrated that our approach was capable of tracking dynamic cropland changes in different agricultural zones. The pixel-wise F1 scores for annual maps and change maps of CACD were 0.79 ± 0.02 and 0.81, respectively. Further cross-product comparisons, including accuracy assessment, correlations with statistics, and spatial details, highlighted the precision and robustness of CACD compared with other datasets. According to our estimation, from 1986 to 2021, China's total cropland area expanded by 30 300 km2 (1.79 %), which underwent an increase before 2002 but a general decline between 2002 and 2015, and a slight recovery afterward. Cropland expansion was concentrated in the northwest while the eastern, central, and southern regions experienced substantial cropland loss. In addition, we observed 419 342 km2 (17.57 %) of croplands that were abandoned at least once during the study period. The consistent, high-resolution data of CACD can support progress toward sustainable agricultural use and food production in various research applications. The full archive of CACD is freely available at (Tu et al., 2023a).
Publisher: Copernicus GmbH
Journal: Earth system science data 
ISSN: 1866-3508
EISSN: 1866-3516
DOI: 10.5194/essd-16-2297-2024
Rights: © Author(s) 2024. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (
The following publication Tu, Y., Wu, S., Chen, B., Weng, Q., Bai, Y., Yang, J., Yu, L., and Xu, B.: A 30 m annual cropland dataset of China from 1986 to 2021, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 16, 2297–2316 is available at, 2024.
Appears in Collections:Journal/Magazine Article

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