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Title: Body-mapping tank top equipped with biofeedback system for adolescents with early scoliosis
Authors: Yip, JYW 
Issue Date: 2019
Abstract: This is a two-year multi-disciplinary collaborative study that involves experts in clinical psychology, computing science, and orthopedics. Conventional orthotic interventions apply passive forces to the human body with orthosis to support the trunk alignment and control the deformities of the spine. However, the use of these external supports is limited by factors such as poor appearance and physical constraint. Back muscle strengthening exercises attempt to strengthen the back muscles to maintain the trunk in an upright position with active muscular forces. Moreover, patient compliance with the prescribed intervention exercises presents a challenge. Given these issues, the research team designed and developed a body-mapping tank top equipped with a biofeedback system. The tank top can be used to progressively provide muscle training to patients with spinal deformities so as to restore a balance in muscle activity and a reduction in the displacement of both sides of the spine. The sensor-based biofeedback tank top can motivate patients to play active roles, thus improving movement control and coordination, as well as daily posture. The results have been communicated in journals and conference papers, and have been exhibited at the 45th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva and at the Hong Kong International Medical Devices and Supplies Fair. The research methodology was introduced in RCA, UK and HKUSZ hospital. The major findings of this study are that after about 30 sessions of posture training, the majority of the participants were able to train their sitting postures so that they were relatively more balanced and involved lower degrees of muscle activities in terms of sEMG signals compared to their circumstances prior to the training. Despite the limited sample size of participants in this study, these are encouraging results which warrant further study of posture training of mild scoliotic patients.
Rights: All rights reserved.
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