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Title: Teaching and learning Chinese as a foreign or second language : the educational psychology perspective, 2nd Edition
Authors: Gong, Y
Lai, C
Han, J
Lü, C
Ke, S 
Issue Date: 2024
Source: Gong, Y., Lai, C., Han, J. Lü, C. & Ke, S. (Eds.). Teaching and learning Chinese as a foreign or second language: The educational psychology perspective. Special issue in Frontiers in Psychology. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA., 2024
Abstract: Over the past two decades, Chinese as a foreign or second language (CFL/CSL) has been increasingly taught and learnt as an important language both within and outside China. Studies in the field have attempted to address deep-seated tensions between existing educational ideologies, concepts, strategies, and approaches and student learning process and performance, and between existent teaching methods and techniques and the globalization of Chinese language education.
The findings of these research studies have largely contributed to the acquisition of CFL/CSL both theoretically and practically. Verifications and modifications have been made to the existing CFL/CSL theories and models. Discourses have been enriched on teacher education and development, particularly in identifying unique challenges Chinese language teachers are encountering when applying or even transforming culture-affected ideologies (e.g. Confucianism) into various CFL/CSL contexts. These current studies have provided crucial insights into critical issues in CFL/CSL research. This includes CFL/CSL teachers’ cognition, pedagogical/instructional practices, technology-integrated practice, and their professional development across career stages. It extends to learners’ cognitive engagement, co-constructive learning and sociocultural development.
To build on the current research, this special issue aims at collecting a body of advanced empirical and theoretical research on CFL/CSL teaching and learning, with an expectation of generating new layers of analysis, providing some exceptional insights and expanding the current understanding of second language theories as well as instructional practices. The particular contribution of this special issue is to advantage theoretical and practical understanding of CFL/CSL acquisition and pedagogy through bringing learners’ and teachers’ perspective.
Publisher: Frontiers Media SA.
ISBN: 978-2-8325-4508-9
DOI: 10.3389/978-2-8325-4508-9
Rights: The copyright in the text of individual articles in this ebook is the property of their respective authors or their respective institutions or funders. The copyright in graphics and images within each article may be subject to copyright of other parties. In both cases this is subject to a license granted to Frontiers.
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The original work "Gong, Y., Lai, C., Han, J. Lü, C. & Ke, S. (eds.) (Feb. 2024). Teaching and learning Chinese as a foreign or second language: The educational psychology perspective. Special issue in Frontiers in Psychology. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA. doi: 10.3389/978-2-8325-4508-9 " is published by Frontiers and can be found at
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